Monday, November 15, 2004

Dueling Scriptures

Last night I had my travelling revival preacher cross horns (figuratively) with the pastor of the local church. It was a fun scene to write. Hopefully it won't make you vomit.

Gantt took the key and pocketed it. He turned his head and looked heavenward. “A glorious day, isn’t it? Makes you appreciate being alive.”

Bromfeld looked at the TOUR BUS parked in front of his house, the men CLUSTERED on the sidewalk, some leaning against the bus, arms folded. Then he considered the blue sky, bright and clear except for a few stray clouds moving in from the east. “I suppose it does. Pity I have to work on my sermon for Sunday and Bible lesson for this evening.”

“Ah, yes? What passage will you be studying?”

“I was thinking of Titus 1:9-11”

“Aaahhh ... ‘rebellious talkers and deceivers teaching things they ought not to teach for the sake of dishonest gain.’ Is it a coincidence that I’m in town tonight or should I take it personally?”

Bromfeld was silent.

“So that’s it, then. Let me just say that you are not the first local pastor to feel that way about me, nor will you be, I suspect, the last. Only take into consideration that in addition to performing a bit of community service this morning, we will not be receiving a collection during the meetings tonight and tomorrow.”

Bromfeld stared IMPASSIVELY at Gantt.

“We’re not in it for the money Pastor Bromfeld, so if you’re going to let your suspicions run away with your better judgment, perhaps Acts 20:28-30 would be a BETTER text to examine.”

A fly buzzed by Bromfeld’s cheek. He brushed it away with the back of his hand.

“Think about it, and if you decide I’m not the enemy, please come to the Hymnsing at seven tonight. Of course, if you want to be especially nasty, the opening verse of First Timothy chapter four is particularly inflammatory, but I’d still go with the Acts.”

I think in the rewrite I'll have it that a pastor in another town picketted Gantt's revival meeting with the Timothy verse on the picket sign

(daily word count: 2,555 words; total word count: 30,833 words; words remaining: 19,167)