Works In Progress

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Surprise News

There's more detail over on my other blog, but it turns out the local daily ran with the press release I sent. I appeared on page B-4 of this last Sunday's "Oregon Life" section. [scan]


Monday, July 17, 2006

Interview Update

No call on Friday, but talked to the editor of the regional weekly this evening. No time to make the issue they're currently working on, but we're looking to connect this Wednesday to set things up for the next issue.

Stay tuned.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


At long last I've finished another chapter in my novel-in-progress. Chapter Fourteen begins the final day of the story and had me hung up for months. Finally overcame (I hope) the challenge of getting my main character going without it being a "he woke up and brushed his teeth" kinda deal.

It opens with pain (always popular) and then a series of flashbacks as he reconstructs the night before. Anyone have a good suggestion for a book that handles mini-flashbacks well? Or shows how to integrate a summary scene into a story during the straight-ahead sequence of events? It's been brought to my attention I have a habit of switching to flashback mode while characters do mundane tasks like sitting in a waiting room (I finally read your feedback, Angie; thanks!) or, in this case, ironing. Seems to me the guy's got to do something, but if this is poor technique someone point me to a master craftsman to get me some schoolin'.

Still, the chapter is done (crit partners, brace yourselves). And I'm pumped about the next one. And the one after that. And then things are gonna get messy. Heh, heh, heh.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

... and Interestinger

I had a good chat with the editor of West Lane News this evening. Turns out he lives about 4 miles from me. Talked about Brandilyn's character blog, what I'm up to, etc.

He raised the possibility of running a photo of me with the story. Since I'm not JD Salinger (in ohsomany ways), I suggested a picture by Triangle Lake, tying in with the lake in the character blog and he liked that idea. He also liked my "sideline with an eye to the future" description of where I'm at with my writing right now.

Next step: he'll be in touch Friday to (hopefully!) set up a half hour face-to-face sometime in the coming week. Stay tuned...

Interestinger and Interestinger

A week ago I sent out a handful of press releases to local newspapers about landing a role in Brandilyn Collins' Scenes & Beans character blog. I included a note about winning the DKA short story contest and mentioned the online and print success I've been blessed with to date.

This afternoon I got an e-mail from an editor at one of the papers, requesting an interview. Hmmmm.

Getting Better All the Time

900 or so words isn't the 1,200 I had hoped for, but I did finish the opening scene to Part III of the book. It's not my best writing ever (I don't think it sucks either), but it's got the ball rolling.

Now if only I can stay ahead of it and not get pulped...

Monday, July 10, 2006

A Crack in the Dam!

For the first time since Mount Hermon (three months ago), I actually wrote down more than a scene idea for Revival. 600 words isn't near the wordcount I'd hoped for, but it's 600 words more than at any time in the last 90 days.

Let's go for two days in a row (and maybe double the word count)!

TWD: The Resubmitteding

A while back I sent a story in to The Wittenburg Door for (hopeful) publication. A story and a sidebar, actually. I got a note back from the editor saying I stood a better chance if I resubmitted just the sidebar with a short intro. Thanked him and got to work.

The piece went from 600 words down to 150 (60-ish in the short intro). Resubmitted last night, got an encouraging note (included "MUCH better") from the editor this morning. Now it goes to the editorial board for a thumbs-up or -down.

I'll keep you posted.